Spirit Kisses 

Originally published on April 27, 2016 in BC Musician Magazine.
Reprinted on July 21, 2016 in Edmonton's Vue Weekly.

Spirit kisses ~ by Coco Love Alcorn

Last summer at the ArtsWells Music Festival I kissed about 15 people in one day. 

Let me explain. 

I got to spend a lot of time that summer on the west coast, playing music, enjoying nature, hanging out with amazing people. By the time I reached Wells I had already sung at 4 other groovy BC festivals in quick succession: Tiny Lights, Campbell Bay, Starbelly…

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Today is my birthday and I am 41. Woo! 

This was originally written and shared with the world through Facebook and my previous website on Nov 28, 2015.

Today is my birthday and I am 41. Woo!  

Here I am, a 41 year mom, midway through recording and funding a new record. There are mountains of evidence to support the notion that the music industry is youth dominated. But I think music is more about our desire to connect and I know that desire goes much, much deeper than our fascination with youth. 

As I grow older my personal desire to sing and…

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